The ECA Development Team
The Triratna Development Team work on behalf of the European Chairs Assembly (ECA), i.e. the Chairs/Directors of Triratna Buddhist Centres around Europe.
These Chairs are very busy people so we help them with their regular meetings and the ideas for projects that emerge from that collaboration. Some of the fruits of the ECA and the Development Team include the development of our central website, the Future Dharma Fund which funds new projects around Triratna, the development of effective Safeguarding policies and procedures, a Young Buddhist’s Co-ordinator, Racial Diversity work and much more.

The current team

Based in Ghent (Belgium) he is the Director of the team as well taking a leading role in Triratna Ghent. He supports the team, liaises with other Triratna bodies, and much more

Based in Manchester, UK, she is our Racial Diversity Coordinator prioritising places outside London (which is Nika’s focus)

Based in the UK, he acts as a consultant to Centres and groups in Europe, sharing his considerable and versatile experience and knowledge to help Centres grow and thrive

Based in London, UK, she is our Racial Diversity Coordinator focused primarily on London and its various Centres.

Based in Worcester (UK), she does safeguarding for the ECA, offering advice to Centres and providing model policies to help protect children and adults from harm

Based near Manchester (UK), he is our Executive Officer and does techie things and various administration.

Based in Stockholm (Sweden) she is Triratna’s Liaison Officer, responsible for co-operation with other Buddhist traditions in Europe

Based in Manchester, UK, he is our beloved book-keeper who delights in paying people in a timely fashion and creating order

Currently based at Adhisthana, but soon moving to Manchester (UK), she is the Young People’s Coordinator for Europe
Why we do this work
As a way of answering this question, firstly here is a very short video where Maitripa and Viryanaga talk about their work, followed by three videos in which members of the Triratna Buddhist Community talk about the effects that the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha have had on their lives.
In each of these three, the first part explores how people find the Buddha to be an inspirational figure, and why it is important to keep our Buddhist Centres thriving.
In the second part, members of our community talk about how their practice of the Dharma has deepened over time, and also on their attitudes to death and dying.
In the third and final part, practitioners talk about what they love and appreciate in the Triratna Sangha.