
This site is run by the ECA (European Chairs Assembly) and offers resources for people running Triratna Groups and Centres


Much of the content emerges from UK and European activities, largely in the English language, but some may be useful to Triratna worldwide


Photo of Bodhisattva at ease statue

Current Projects

  • information relating to current strategic priorities for the ECA
  • young people, responding to environmental/social issues, diversity etc

An alphabetically-organised list of links to some of the resources on this site (or elsewhere)

A-B: Abhayaratna Trust | AdhisthanaAsk a Buddhist | Baby Naming | Bhante 108 Year Puja | Bhante website | BreathworksBuddhafield | Buddhist Audio Books

C-D: Centre Job Descriptions | Centre PoliciesCeremonies | Chairs Handbook | Charity Info | Children’s Dharma | College | Communities | Dana Economies | Data Protection  | Development Team | Dharma Teaching Resources | Dharma Training Course for Mitras | Dying

E-G: EBU | Employers’ Responsibilities | European Chairs Assembly (ECA, Chairs only) | ECA Development Team | Festival Dates | Finances | Fire Safety | Free Buddhist Audio |Fundraising | Funerals | Future Dharma Fund | Gift Aid | GoingOnRetreat.com | Google Calendars | Growth

H-M: India Dhamma Trust | Inter-Buddhist Liaison | Inter-Faith | Jobs | Karuna Trust | KM ceremony | Lights in the Sky (video history) | Lulu Books | Mantras | Marriages  | Mental Health First Aid | Mitra (becoming one) | Mitra Ceremony | Mitra Study Course

N-S: | NBO (Network of Buddhist Organisations | Neurodiversity | Order Mediation (reconciliation [at] adhisthana.org) | Order website | Pinterest | Preceptors College | Presidents | Private Preceptors | Publicity Resources | Pujas | Retreats | Right Livelihood Resources | Sadhana texts | Safeguarding | Sangha Building | Sangharakshita seminars | Sangharakshita website | Schools Dharma | Seven Papers | Shabda online | Sikkha Project | Soundcloud | Strategic Priorities

T-Z: Taralokathebuddhistcentre support | Tiratana Vandana | Translations | Triratna Around the World | Triratna Jobs | Triratna News | Triratna Parents (Facebook) | Triratna Photos | Trustee’s Handbook | Tumblr | Urthona Arts Magazine | Volunteers | Wills | Windhorse Publications | Who does what in Triratna? | Young Buddhists