Safeguarding in Triratna
Protecting living beings from harm is a fundamental Buddhist value. It’s also a regulatory duty of all charities in the UK, including Triratna. Here it’s called ‘Safeguarding’, a term which simply means ‘protecting’.
Safeguarding and ethical policies and procedures are a practical expression of ahimsa, non-harming, the value underlying Buddhist precepts and the Bodhisattva activity of protecting living beings from harm. They are practical measures for preventing and addressing harm or allegations of harm, including sexual harm, discrimination and bullying.
The Triratna Model Safeguarding policies follow UK legal requirements and the regulatory requirements of the Charity Commission for England and Wales, who now also require charities to have a statement of more general ethical values, such as the Triratna Model Ethical Guidelines. The Safeguarding policies (below) are updated each year and any questions about them should go to the ECA Safeguarding officer at
The Triratna Model Ethical Guidelines (first published in 2016 on the initiative of Triratna’s International Council) are an internal statement of values based on the five precepts, for those teaching in Triratna centres, groups and retreat centres. Questions about the content of the Model Ethical Guidelines should go to Subhadassi, Order Ethics Convenor at As they complement the Safeguarding policies they are published together with them.
Since these are model documents and based on UK requirements, it is up to those running each centre/retreat centre/enterprise to use them as they are, or adapt and/or translate them as they think fit, in line with local requirements.
In addition, the Triratna Model Child Protection Code of Conduct is a short guide to safe behaviours which will help prevent suspicions or accusations of misconduct with those under 18.
Caring for Teenagers in Triratna offers guidance as to best practice when including in Triratna activities those aged 16-17, increasingly independent but legally still children.
Managing Those Who Pose a Risk offers guidance on the safe inclusion in our sangha of those whose past or present behaviour indicates they pose a risk of harm to themselves or others; eg ex-offenders.
Online Safety in Triratna offers guidance for staying safe in online teaching with adults and with under 18s.
Safeguarding and Data Protection offers guidance on UK law relating to how to store, share and use personal information.
For ease of reference, where a document has been updated you will also find below a pdf of the document with changes highlighted in yellow.
Hridayagita is the ECA Safeguarding Co-ordinator. If you have an urgent Safeguarding concern and she is not available, or you want a second and/or external opinion, you may wish to contact the helpline run by our external Safeguarding advisers Thirtyone:eight.
They can be reached at +44 (0)1322 517817 or 0303 003 1111.
If you (or anyone else) have (or may have) been harmed, or may be at immediate risk of harm, please contact your local police and/or social services as soon as possible.

Formal Safeguarding duties apply to the trustees of all the UK Triratna charities which run Triratna’s centres and retreat centres, the Order Office, and the Preceptors’ College Trust, the charity of which the College is a part. Similar duties apply to organisations in some other countries in which Triratna has activities.
Here are Triratna’s model policies for Safeguarding children and adults, updated for 2023, along with guidance documents and the Triratna Model Ethical Guidelines.
Guidelines and policy documents
- Triratna Worldwide Safeguarding General Advice 2023
- Triratna Model Child Protection Code of Conduct 2023
- Triratna Model Child Protection Policy 2023
- Triratna Adult Safeguarding Policy 2023
- Managing those who pose a risk 2023
- Caring for teenagers in Triratna 2023
- Online safety in Triratna 2023
- Triratna Safeguarding and Data Protection
- Triratna Model Ethical Guidelines 2023
Documents showing changes from previous version
Further information can be found on the Triratna Safeguarding blog
Read more about Safeguarding in Triratna.