Safeguarding in Triratna


Protecting living beings from harm is a fundamental Buddhist value. It’s also a regulatory duty of all charities in the UK, including Triratna. Here it’s called ‘Safeguarding’, a term which simply means ‘protecting’.


Safeguarding procedures are practical measures for preventing and addressing harm or allegations of harm, including sexual harm, discrimination and bullying.

Formal Safeguarding duties apply to the trustees of all the UK Triratna charities which run Triratna’s centres and retreat centres, the Order Office, and the Preceptors’ College Trust, the charity of which the College is a part. Similar duties apply to organisations in some other countries in which Triratna has activities.

To support Triratna organisations in protecting living beings from harm, we have policies and procedures which can be found on the Triratna Safeguarding blog 

Read more about Safeguarding in Triratna.

niche carving of Shakyamuni flanked by a devotee, an elelphant etc